2011 November 5-6 — Unity
- Council of Doukhobors in Canada Meeting
Attended b J.J. Verigin, Fred Makortoff - Pete Slastukin
from B.C. Mich Ozeroff not able to come because of
weather and road conditions, - winter arrived in
Saskatchewan. Sara Kinakin thought she could attend from
lower Mainland but situations prevented her from
attending. This is true for Harry Rezansoff and Walter
Perepelkin as well.
Saturday November 5, the meeting commenced at 9:30 AM. It
was well attended by our membership. After greetings
and introductions, Fred Makortoff used Power Point to
present overviews of communication, including - Who are
we? Awareness of self, I and they, systems thinking, SWOT
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. This took
up the AM. In the PM, Ethical Decision Making, prayers,
Psalms teaching of Jesus (biblical/historical) spirituality,
cultural traditions, form and structure, politics and
action. The presentation was well received by those present
but unfortunately very little time was left for discussion,
regarding application to our immediate problem(s) of getting
more people involved in the UNITY program which we believe
it is essential to the survival of the Council of
of Doukhobors in Canada
Jack and Jan Tarasoff
1335 21 Avenue
Calgary, Alberta T2M 1L5 |
Makortoff <femakort@shaw.ca>
Ph: 250-359-7351
fax 250-359-7336 |
- 2011 May 17 —
- 2011 April 19 —
- 2007 May 15 —
- 2005
October 1-2 — The all-Doukhobor Council of Unity
Convention in Russia, Archangelskoye village south of
Tula, reelected Alexei Kinakin as Chairman. The Russian
Doukhobors have appealed to their Canadian brethren to
help them sustain their heritage in the face of
assimiliation, apathy and the challenges of change
itself in the new Russian Republic. Russian Doukhobors
are now scattered in over 25 different locations.
- 2004
March 20 — Airdrie, Alberta. Using the consensus
decision-making model, the meeting acknowledged the
value of its Calendar of Doukhobor Events in Canada; it
reaffirmed activeness in the peace and humanitarian
movement; and it drafted a letter to the BC government
in support of the New Denver brothers and sisters in
their redress actions following the 1950s New Denver
School fiasco. Contact Chairman George Marken at
- 2003
October 11-12 — Brilliant and Krestova, BC.
Contact George Marken (250-359-7374, gwmark@netidea.com)
- 2003
June 14 — White Birch Manor in Delta, BC, Peter
Rezansoff chairman. The question of "What is a Spirit
Wrestler?" was raised and a Calendar of Events sponsored
by the Council was discussed. A logo submitted by Hal
Rezansoff of Nelson was approved; its image of a Maple
Leaf was changed to green instead of red.
- 2003
March 29 — The newly-formed Council of Doukhobors
in Canada met in Saskatoon, Sask., with a lengthy
discussion about its mission statement on the task of
facilitating communication and co-operation among the
Doukhobor groups and organizations in Canada. A
consensus was reached to move ahead.