The Canadian Doukhobor SocietyFounded 1967 — Closed 2017
"Where there is LOVE, there is GOD" "All People are Children of God" "All People are Brothers and Sisters" Former President: Alex Wishlow <> Canadian Doukhobor Society 215 33rd Avenue South, Creston, B. C. V0B 1G1 Phone: (250) 428-9634 History*
Many other Doukhobor organizations were also formed
across Canada (BC, AB, SK). * Summarized from: Tarasoff, K. J. "Timeline on The
Spirit Wrestlers,"
Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers'
Strategies for Living, 2002, pages
411-440; and CDS Folds, by Larry
Ewashen, Larry's Desk. Calendar Updated Nov 17, 2019 — Records incomplete.
Directors' Meeting — Sat. Jan. 13, 2007Agenda:11:00 AM — Sandman Inn, Castlegar, B.C.
January 25, 2007 Happy New Year 2007. We hope your year will be filled with health, happiness and many positives. We hope the light of the God within each one of us displaces any darkness (of winter) and brings love, peace and hope for the future. Love brings spiritual awareness, mutual respect and a sense of peace through our connected-ness, dialogue and song as we are one human family. More than ever, in 2006, the Doukhobor family gathered in celebration: Day of Love, Brilliant Youth Festival and social, World Peace Forum, heritage days, Koozma Tarasoff and Alexei tours, Petrov Dien in many locations, CDC, and others. Let’s use the Day of LOVE to share memories and made new memories. The CDS was a historic vehicle in the journey towards unity and commUNITY amongst Doukhobors and the global contemporary community. For the CDS to continue translating their VISION of LOVE into current practice I propose calling on our talents and offering the following sponsorships: golf classic, writers workshops, choral sessions, song writing workshops, “learn how to” sessions, woodwork sessions, storytelling, fashion shows (historic), fine arts creations (badges, peace slogans, handiwork) and other creativity. Mae Popoff, SHEAF editor, invites comments about our sponsorships. Saskatoon, Sk The book 100 Ways to Say I Love You, by Jane LaFerla, has patterns and ideas for gifts to make. With your time and talents — you can give an extra measure of love to your special people. A "Day of Love" with Love and GratitudeAlex WishlowChairman of The Day of Love on February 11th, 2007 Salmo Doukhobor Dom Salmo, British Columbia Dear Brothers and Sisters in Spirit: The renowned Japanese scholar Masaru Emoto has discovered that LOVE and GRATITUDE have the highest positive vibrations in our lives. These words and actions somehow affect our cell structure and have the potential to make us happy and to heal our ills and sorrows. That wisdom tells us that we need to be careful in not just our behavior, but how we use our words. The truncated word ‘Douk’, for example, has the connotation of ‘you fool’ with bad vibrations and this reflects negatively on all Doukhobors. Expressions of love and gratitude to others and other things have shown to produce good vibrations. Because we are made of approximately 80 percent water, water is our most important substance. It is a vital part of our genealogy. Dr. Emoto advises us that the configuration of water that we drink will be better if we thank it with gratitude for giving use life and health. By using that same logic, we have the potential to improve our life and our environment manifold by our good words and deeds. So, on this Day of Love, let’s embrace the secret of life contained in Love and Gratitude. That secret provides hope for peace and opens a way for a new relationship with people and the world. With Love and Gratitude, Koozma J. Tarasoff Ottawa, Ontario Email: or Website: DAY of LOVE — Sun. Feb. 11, 2007 — 10 amThe 14th Annual DAY of LOVE — Salmo Doukhobor Hall, Airport Road 1227, Salmo BC V0G 1Z0 — After prayer service starting at 10 a.m., there will also be a guest speaker, potluck lunch, congregational singing, music, vocal entertainment and prizes. Come to enjoy a day of fellowship, food and fun.DAY of LOVE — Sun. Feb. 15, 2007 — 10 am
A message from the President — May 23, 2009Peter's Day, Brilliant BC — Sun. June 28, 2009