Doukhobor Society of Saskatoon DSS
1. Photos

Our assembly hall dom in Russian. |

Entry leads to 2 floors.

South lot is graded smooth.

Upstairs we gather for malenyia
(prayer meetings).

Making pirogi for our borshch
supper, downstairs kitchen hall. |

New elevator.
- DSS Email:
- Janet Peters, Trustee Phone: 306-________
- Mae Popoff, Elder Phone: 306-373-2991
The Doukhobor Society of
Saskatoon (DSS) was established in early
1955 and later the same year built a new community
centre prayer home at 525 Avenue I South. It is both
a registered non-profit corporation (incorporation date:
January 24, 1955) and a Saskatchewan charitable
corporation. It operates under The Saskatchewan
Non-profit Corporations Act, S.S. 1995 (formerly The
Benevolent Societies Act). The Society is governed by a
Board of Trustees and advised by a group of Elders, as
outlined in its By-Laws.
It holds regular Sunday meetings from September through
June and hosts special gatherings to commemorate
historical events (e.g., Peters Day) and celebrate
holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, Mothers and
Fathers Day, etc. There is an active singing group that
helps lead Sunday meetings and is also available to sing
at funerals and weddings. Each year, as a major
fundraiser, the Society bakes and sells bread in
traditional clay-brick ovens at the Doukhobor Bread
More at: Our
Story, Facebook, October 10, 2018.
4. Foundational Documents
5. About Doukhobors
6. Board of Trustees, and Elders
Board of Trustees
- Chair Jeannette Stringer
- Vice-Chair Darlene Kouznitsoff
- Secretary Bonnie Kusch
- Treasurer June Bold (to April 2019)
- Treasurer Harvey Allyn (from June 2019)
- Janet Peters
- Dorothy Ozeroff
- Harvey Kazakoff (from June 2019)
Elders 2021-22
- Mae Popoff
- Jeannette Stringer
- William Kalmakoff
- June Bold
- Ashleigh Androsoff
Board of Trustees
- Chair Jeannette Stringer
- Vice-Chair Darlene Kouznitsoff
- Secretary Bonnie Kusch
- Treasurer June Bold (to April 2019)
- Treasurer Harvey Allyn (from June 2019)
- Janet Peters
- Dorothy Ozeroff
- Harvey Kazakoff (from June 2019)
Elders 2018-19
- Mae Popoff
- Jeannette Stringer
- William Kalmakoff
- June Bold
- Ashleigh Androsoff
Board of Trustees
- Chair Jeannette Stringer
- Vice-Chair Darlene Kouznitsoff
- Secretary Veronika Makarova
- Treasurer June Bold
- Harvey Allyn
- Bonnie Kusch
Elders 2017-18
- Mae Popoff
- Jeannette Stringer
- June Bold
Board of Trustees
- Chair Jeannette Stringer
- Vice-Chair Darlene Kouznitsoff
- Secretary Veronika Makarova
- Treasurer June Bold
- Dorthy Ozeroff
- Harvey Allyn
Elders 2016-17
- June Bold
- Peter Pereversoff
- Mae Popoff
- Jeannette Stringer
Board of Trustees
- Chair Jeannette Stringer
- Vice-Chair Ron Bold
- Secretary Veronika Makarova
- Treasurer June Bold
- Meeting Co-ordinator Dorthy Ozeroff
- Maintenance Co-ordinator Darlene
Elders 2015-16
- June Bold
- Mich Ozeroff
- Peter Pereversoff
- Mae Popoff
- Jeannette Stringer
Board of Trustees
- Chair Edna Wright
- Vice-Chair Ron Bold
- Secretary Emily Riben
- Treasurer June Bold
- Director at Large Dorthy Ozeroff
- Director at Large Jeannette Stringer
Elders 2014-15
- June Bold
- Bill Kalmakoff
- Mich Ozeroff
- Peter Pereversoff
- Mae Popoff
- Jeannette Stringer
- Polly Tokaryk-Meakin
- William Woykin
7. News
1955 February Saskatoon
Doukhobor Society Gets Charter, The Inquirer, Vol. 2,
no. 1, page 18.
News From Sask. The
Doukhobor Society of Saskatoon [DSS] has received its
charter under the Saskatchewan Benevolent Societies Act.
The first trustees are: Alvin N. Meakin, Michael N.
Postnikoff, John K. Tarasoff, Alex W. Vereschagin, and
William P. Sherstobitoff.
1955 November Society
Holds Ceremony in Prelude to Building a Home,
The Inquirer,
Vol. 2, no. 10, page 18.
News From Sask. The
Doukhobor Society of Saskatoon held a prayer ceremony
before building a Community Home. Koozma Tarasoff, Sr.
turned the first sod.
1956 February Society
Holds Annual Meeting, The Inquirer, Vol. 3,
no. 1, page 27.
News From Sask. First
annual meeting of the registered Doukhobor Society of
Saskatoon was held at their newly built Doukhobor Home.
Peter N. Postnikoff, Chairman. John F. Papove, sec.
1956 July Doukhobors
Contribute to Pion-Era Celebrations, The Inquirer, Vol. 3,
no. 6, page 20.
News From Sask. by
Inquirer The Saskatoon Doukhobor Society built a
pioneer log house, baked bread in brick and clay ovens
and held sheep shearing demonstrations at the Pion-Era
in July. A great success.
1957 July 3,200
Loaves of Bread Baked at Pion-Era Celebrations,
The Inquirer,
Vol. 4, no. 5b, page 8.
News From Sask. For the
third consecutive year the Saskatoon Doukhobor Society
contributed to the local Pion-Era celebration with
bread-baking and demonstrations of carding and spinning
1957 November First
Tea and Sale in Community Home Termed 'Very
Successful', The Inquirer, Vol. 4, no. 9, page 7.
News From Sask. The
Saskatoon Doukhobor Ladies' Society held its first tea
and sale in the new community home.
2000 February 28 Eight
volunteers to be honoured by Provincial Medal,
Government of Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewans Lieutenant
Governor, Lynda Haverstock, today announced the names of
eight citizens who will receive the Saskatchewan
Volunteer Medal for 1999. The recipients include William
Kalmakoff of Saskatoon, a well- known educator and
promoter of multiculturalism, has given his time and
energy to:
- Saskatoon Doukhobor Society,
- Doukhobor Cultural Society of Saskatchewan,
- Saskatchewan Intercultural Society,
- Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages,
- Multi Faith Saskatoon,
- Saskatoon Doukhobor Society Newsletter,
- Saskatoon Doukhobor Choral group and the barbershop
singing group Chimo Chordsmen,
- Doukhobor pavilions at the Saskatoon Exhibition and
- University of Saskatchewan College of Education
Leadership Unit, where after retirement as a
consultant he wrote an Education Act for Indian Band
2003 My Life
Story, by George P. Stushnoff
The Stushnoff Family
History: Kirilowka and Beyond, by Fred and Brian
Stushnoff, 2003. Reproduced on the Doukhobor Genealogy
"George P. Stushnoff
(1922-2001) exemplified the Doukhobor ideals of toil and
peaceful life. Chairman of the Saskatoon Doukhobor
Society and the Doukhobor Cultural Society of
Saskatchewan for many years, George strove to preserve
and share the Doukhobor way of life, and to promote
inter-cultural harmony in his community."
2005 May 9 2005
Centennial Events: National Doukhobor Heritage Museum,
Veregin, SK, Doukhobor Message Board.
"Sunday, May 29, 2005:
Molenye (prayer meeting) at 11:00 a.m. led by the
Saskatoon Doukhobor Society."
2007 April 14 Variety
Night in Saskatoon, by Mae Popoff, Hodge
2007 July 11 Doukhobor
House Unveils Monument Commemorating Oospenia Spring,
Doukhobor Genealogy Website.
"... a historic
plough-pulling re-enactment by twelve Doukhobor women
belonging to the Saskatoon Doukhobor Society."
2007 December 8-9 Messages
to the Saskatoon Doukhobor Society, by Koozma
J. Tarasoff,
Re: Annual Meeting
December 8th, 2007, Doukhobor Peace Library and Museum.
2009 April 3 National
Upcoming Events for 2009, Doukhobor Message
2009 June 8 Sell Doukhobor Land in
Saskatoon? Questions & Answers,
2009 June 19 Dugout
House set [to] open with 'Laying down of arms',
Shellbrook Chronicle,
page 15.
"The cast was made up of
members of Doukhobor descendents from across the region
with the bulk belonging to the Saskatoon Doukhobor
2009 December DSS Elder's Report,
by Mae Popoff.
2010 January 16 Doukhobors
Olympic torch runners, by Mae Popoff,
Blaine Lake Doukhobors
present bread, salt and water, then borsch. Collections
of news excerpts mentioning Doukhobors, with photos and
2010 January 18 Saskatoon Reflections 2010.
DOVE Newsletter.
Year-end review by Mae
2011 June Opening of the
National Doukhobor Heritage Village, Report
with 4 photos by Mae Popoff.
2011 August 14 800
Loaves of Doukhobor Bread Sold / Day, by K.J.
Tarasoff, photos by Mae Popoff. Spirit-Wrestlers Blog.
Links to related stories.
2012 August 12 Doukhobor
tradition carries on one loaf at a time, The
StarPhoenix, Saskatoon SK
60 volunteers bake and
sell the 5,000 loaves produced at Saskatoon Exhibition.
Interviewed: named: Bill Kalmakoff, John Tarasoff, Peter
Holoboff, and Doreen Konkin.
2013 August 11 Bread
a big ticket item at Saskatoons Ex : The Doukhobor
society makes about 1,000 daily for the week,
News Talk Radio 650 CKOM 8 photos Original
story offline. Link to with 3 photos.
2013 August 13 Baking Bread the
Doukhobor Way, story and videos by Ryan
Excellent overview of
bread baking booth in 3 short videos (offline) and 2
2013 Fall Elevator for Saskatoon dom
Saskatoon Prayer Home has elevator installed,
making it more accessible for those with physical
limitations and also making it easier to haul heavier
items between levels. The elevator goes from the
entrance level up to the meeting level and down to the
kitchen/social area in the basement. Plans are in the
works to build a permanent ramp on the exterior of the
building to further improve accessibility.
2017 March 20 Kamsack
Doukhobor Society sells its prayer home,
Kamsack Times.
2017 March 22 Kamsack
dom sold for yoga, Spirit-Wrestlers Blog.
Koozma Tarasoff objects that word 'prayer' was
used 7 times.
2017 April 24 Doukhobor
Heritage Days, 15-16 July 2017, by Mae Popoff
2017 July 15-16 Heritage Day 2017
Canada 150 / Historic Prayer Home 100 years, National
Doukhobor Heritage Village Inc., Veregin, Saskatchewan.
Celebrate Canadas 150th birthday and commemorate 100
years of our Historic Prayer Home.
2018 October 6 Elevator
in Veregin receives federal and provincial heritage
property designation, Kamsack Times
2021 April 23 Bill
Kalmakoff, age 91, is Awarded "The Sovereign's Medal
for Volunteers" by the Governor General of Canada
2022 July 4
Saskatoon Doukhobor Bread Booth moved 70 metres,
Hodge Podge, by Koozma J. Tarasoff, 4 July 2022
2022 August 11 Doukhobor
bread booth gets new home at Saskatoon Ex, by Lara
Fominoff, Saskatoon / 650 CKOM Radio.
Past Events
2014 Past Events
2014 June 29, Sunday Peters Day
The Saskatoon Prayer Home
drew a full house of almost 120 people, from Saskatoon
and surrounding areas, to commemorate our Doukhobor
ancestors stand for peace and religious freedom, known
as the Burning of the Arms, in 1895 in Russia; this was
a key step towards leaving Russia and coming to Canada
to re-establish their peaceful lives and communities in
a promising new land. The traditional June 29th meeting
was followed by a delicious meal, provided the Society.
Thanks to everyone to who joined us for this special day
and helped make it such a rewarding experience for all.
2014 August 5-10 Annual Bread-Baking Project
The Saskatoon Doukhobor
Society again undertook its main annual fund-raising
initiative bread-baking at the Saskatoon Prairieland
Exhibition. The Doukhobor Bread Booth sells "Doukhobor
bread" (white and brown) by the slice or loaf, which is
baked in our three traditional clay ovens. We had
another successful year, producing about 3,500 loaves.
Many who stop at the booth say this is a must for them
at the Ex each year! We are grateful to all our
supporters, workers and volunteers who continue to make
this event possible and productive each year. If you are
interested in helping out in future, please let us know
by contacting a board member or elder. Any and all are
welcome to participate its a great opportunity to do
something a little different and to connect with both
old and new acquaintances.
2014 August 12 Doukhobor
Bread-Baking in Saskatoon 2014, by Mae Popoff,
Photos and reports on
August 8 and 11.
2014 September 7 DSS Meet With Calgary Society
Members of the Doukhobor
Society of Saskatoon travel to Sundre,
Alberta to participate in a special Doukhobor
gathering and meeting hosted by the Calgary Society at
the home of Annie Barnes and family.
2014 September 21, Sunday, 11 am Weekly meetings
resume for the year
- Everyone is welcome. Come and join in a traditional
Doukhobor meeting, with its beautiful singing and
prayers, and an inspirational Elders message. Enjoy
the spiritual time and the fellowship with others
committed to Doukhobor principles.
2014 October 18, Saturday, 4:30 pm Fall Fundraiser :
Borshch Supper
a Success, 6 Photos
2014 December 13,
Saturday, 10 am Annual General Meeting
2014 December 21, Sunday, 11 am Christmas
Prayer Meeting Report, 4 photos
Past Events
2015 January 11, Sundays, 11 am Meetings
resume after the Christmas break. Potluck
lunch.after the first meeting of each month. Everyone is
2015 March 8, Sunday, 12 Noon Pancake Brunch
after Sunday meeting, $10/person Annual
fundraiser for the Saskatoon
Kinsmen Telemiracle 39, an annual telethon (March
7-8 this year) organized by the Kinsmen and Kinettes to
help provide Saskatchewan people and organizations with
special needs access to equipment and medical assistance.
See: DSS Telemiracle
Fund-Raiser, photo-report by June Bold, 11 March
2015 March 14, Saturday DCSS Annual
General Meeting & Conference in Saskatoon
- Rescheduled from 2015 February 21 due to the sudden
passing of Keith Tarasoff, DCSS board member
- Place: Saskatoon Prayer Home (525 Avenue I
- Theme : Remembering the Past Planning for the
- Start : 1:00 pm
- Program : 3:00 pm
- Supper : 5:30 pm.
- Registration ; $35/person (children free), which
includes the supper (pay at the door). Open to
- Please RSVP : Bill Kalmakoff (e-mail : , or phone 306-373-0952)
by Wednesday, March 11, if you will be attending.
2015 March 20, Friday, 7 pm When
the Movies Go To War... and Seldom Give Peace a Chance
- A presentation by film critic Dr. Gerald J. Schmitz
page 35) at Fr. ODonnell Auditorium at St. Thomas
More College (STM), 1437
College Drive on the University of Saskatchewan
campus, sponsored by STM and the Saskatoon Peace
Coalition (Facebook).
Free Admission.
2015 April 5, Sunday 11 am Easter Sunday Prayer
2015 April 12, Sunday Pot Luck lunch
to follow regular Prayer Meeting. NOTE: The Pot Luck lunch
has been moved to the second Sunday of the month ONLY FOR
THE MONTH OF APRIL. After the April 12th meeting and
potluck lunch, we will take some time to seek members
input about our 60th anniversary plans. Please join us to
share your ideas and let us know about any special
history, photos or memorabilia you may have to share.
2015 April 15 Planning
the Societys 60th Anniversary
2015 May 31 Scholarship Application Deadline
for Saskatchewan Doukhobors
This award is sponsored by the Doukhobor Society of
Saskatoon to commemorate 100 years in Canada. Two
scholarships offered annually, value $750 each. Open to
Saskatchewan Students of a Doukhobor background with self
or family membership in a Saskatchewan Doukhobor Society.
Selection based on academic achievement and
extracurricular activities. Application Form
2015 June 21, Sunday, 11 am Peters Day in Blaine
- Saskatoon will be joining the Blaine Lake Doukhobor
Society for Peters Day on June 21st this year
earlier than usual since many Saskatchewan members
will be attending Albertas centennial celebrations on
June 28th (see below).
- The Saskatoon and Blaine Lake Societies normally
alternate years and it is Blaine Lake turn this year;
everyone is welcome.
- The event begins at 11:00 a.m. with prayer meeting,
a program and lunch.
- Location: Blaine Lake Prayer Home (a heritage site)
on Main Street in Blaine Lake
2015 June 28, Sunday, 11 am Participating in
Cowley-Lundbreck 100th Anniversary Celebration in
- Many of our Saskatoon members will be traveling to
Lundbreck, Alberta for the 100th anniversary of the
Cowley-Lundbreck Doukhobor settlements.
- The Cowley-Lundbreck Doukhobor Society invite their
Saskatchewan brothers and sisters to join them for
this special event, being held in conjunction with
their Peters Day.
- Location: United Doukhobors of Alberta
Cowley-Lundbreck Prayer Home in Lundbreck.
- The program will include a prayer meeting (moleniye),
speeches, and a potluck lunch.
- For more information or to RSVP, contact: Alex
Kabatoff, phone: 403-510-1944 or email: RSVPs appreciated by June 1st.
2015 August 4-9 Bread-baking
at Saskatoon Prairieland Exhibition
- Dorthy Ozeroff will be recruiting our volunteers
again this year. If you are interested in helping out,
please contact Dorthy at 306-283-4726 or
2015 September 6, Sunday, 10 am, noon
lunch, end 3 pm 60th Anniversary
Celebration, Program
- Plans to Date The Doukhobor Society
of Saskatoon turns 60 this year! At a special meeting
on March 22, 2015, the Elders and Trustees sketched
out initial plans for a celebration. See: 2015 April 15 Planning the Societys
60th Anniversary
- 10 am Traditional prayer meeting
- 11:30 am Lunch
- 1 pm Program:
Speakers, singing, visiting, history and
fashion displays.
Doukhobors contributions to the local area and
- 3 pm End.
- The Society plans to contact descendants of the
founding members and ask them to participate, as well
as all who have been part of our Society over the
years. Plans are still evolving and the Board would
appreciate hearing your ideas for celebrating our
beginnings the establishment of our Society (January
1955), the building of our Prayer Home (Fall 1955),
and the beginning of our bread-baking initiative. We
look forward to hearing from you and to see you at our
September 6th celebration. Please watch for further
information through our emails, on our web page here,
and in The Dove publication.
- Doukhobor
Society of Saskatoon 60th Anniversary,
by Mae Popoff, with links to the Program, Choir
SDY Festivals, and photos.
2015 October 4, Sunday, 11:00 am Prayer
Meeting, 1 pm Potluck Lunch
2015 November 1, Sunday,
11:00 am Prayer Meeting, 1 pm
Potluck Lunch Pay Annual Dues.
- ($40/adult) for November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016
- Cheques to "Doukhobor Society of Saskatoon", hand
to Treasurer or
Mail to: DSS, 525 Avenue I South, Saskatoon SK
S7M 1Y6
2015 November 22, Sunday No meeting in Saskatoon.
Go to Blaine Lake.
2015 December 6, Sunday, 11:00 am Prayer
Meeting, 1 pm Potluck Lunch
2015 December 12, Saturday, 10:00 am
Annual General Meeting (coffee served)
2015 December 13, Sunday, 11 am - 6 pm
Kamsack 60th Anniversary Christmas
Meeting and Potluck
2015 December 20, Sunday, 11 am
Christmas Meeting, 1
pm Potluck Lunch
- Salvation Army Collecting donations (food, toys,
money) Donation box in entry hall. Give cash or
cheques to Treasurer.
2015 December 27, Sunday
Christmas break No
meetings December 27 or January 3
Past Events
2016 January 10, Sunday, 11 am
Prayer Meeting, 1 pm
2016 March 6, Sunday, 1 pm
Pancake Brunch after Sunday Meeting
- Pancake Brunch - $10/person (kids under 6, free),
- Silent Auction and Draws, proceeds for TeleMiracle
- Honorary Lifetime Membership Certificate
2016 March 27, Sunday, 11 am
Easter Sunday Meeting
2016 April 3, Sunday, 1 pm
Potluck after meeting
2016 May 1, Sunday, 1 pm
Potluck after meeting
May 8, Sunday, 11 am Mother's
Day Meeing
2016 May 29, Sunday, 1 pm
Potluck after meeting. Last potluck before summer.
2016 June 3 Announcement in Marketplace
(Yorkton), 3 June 2016, page A7 =>>
2016 June 5, Sunday, 11 am No meeting in
Saskatoon. Go to Verigin.
2016 June 26, Sunday, 11 am Peters Day, at
- Joint meeting with Blaine Lake Society.
- Lunch provided.
2016 July-Aug On vacation: Wednesdays singing,
Sunday meetings
2016 August 9-14 Bread-baking
at Saskatoon Prairieland Exhibition.
2016 September 11, Sunday, 11 am 3 pm Resume
Regular Meetings
- Potluck after meetins
- Scholarships Awarded
2016 October 14, Friday, 4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Borshch na uzhen (soup supper)
- $15/person, $5/child 6-10 yrs, kids <6 yrs-free.
2017 Past Events
2017 May 7 Potluck lunch after meeting
2017 May 14 Mothers Day meeting
- Honorary Lifetime Membership Presentation
- Potluck Lunch
2017 June 4 Museum Appreciation Day (
Meet in Verigin
at National Doukhobor Heritage Village
- 12 pm Ethnic lunch available
- 1 pm Afternoon program
- Museum open house
- Free Admission
2017 June 11 Fathers Day meeting
2017 June 18 Peters Day
Meeting in Blaine Lake
- Joint meeting with Blaine Lake Society.
- Lunch provided.
2017 July 15-16 Heritage Day 2017
Canada 150 / Historic Prayer Home 100 years, National
Doukhobor Heritage Village Inc., Veregin, Saskatchewan.
Celebrate Canadas 150th birthday and commemorate 100
years of our Historic Prayer Home.
2017 Summer Break No meetings in July and
2017 August 8 to13 Bread-baking
at Saskatoon Prairieland Exhibition
2017 November 12 Prayer Meeting CANCELLED this
Sunday. The Choir has been asked to sing at the funeral of
a long-time Society and Choir member.
2017 December 9 10 am Annual General
- Coffee served.
- Individual AGM notices and 2017-18 membership levy
notices mailed.
- Dues remain $40/person; this includes the DOVE,
published by DCSS.
2017 December 10 11 am Meets
at Blaine Lake as guests for their Christmas Meeting &
Potluck. No meeting in Saskatoon.
2017 December 17 11 am Saskatoon
Christmas Meeting & Potluck. (Last meeting of
2018 Past Events
- 2018 January 7 Sunday
11 am
- 2018 February 4 Sunday
11 am
- Regular Meeting
- Potluck Lunch afterward
- 2018 March 1 Thursday 3 pm Choir Practice
for Play March 21+
- 6pm to 7 pm continue choir practice at Greystone
University of Saskatchewan, 118 Science Place.
- 2018 March 4 Sunday
11 am
- 2018
March 21 to 31 (not
25) 8 pm each day Spirit
Wrestler play
- 2018 April 1 Sunday
11 am EASTER
- Regular Meeting / NO Potluck
- 2018 April 4 Wednesday 1
pm Singing practice
- 2018 July - August Summer Break
- 2018 August 7-12 Bread-Baking at
Saskatoon Exhibition
- 2018 September 9 Sunday
meetings resume
- 2018 October 20, Saturday, 4:30 pm &
6:30 pm Borshch
- Menu: Borsch, Pirogi, Chai,
- Tickets at door: $15 adults, kids 6-10 $5, under 6
- Volunteer cooks needed: Oct 11-12 for pirogi,
Oct 19 at 9 am for borsch
- Donations needed for Fruit and vegetables
- Contact Edna Wright 382-2415
- 2018 October 21, Sunday, 11 am
Regular meeting
- 2018 October 28, Sunday,
- 9:30 am Singing practice
- 11 am Regular meeting
- 2018 November 4, Sunday,
- 9:30 am Singing practice
- 11 am Regular meeting
- 2018 November 11,
Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2018 November 16-17,
Friday-Saturday, 9 am Pirogi making,
105 dozen (1260). Need volunteers and fruit.
- 2018 November
18, Sunday, 11 am
Regular meeting
- 2018 November 25,
Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2018 December 2, Sunday, 11
am Regular meeting
- 2018 December 8, Saturday, 10 am Annual
General Business Meeting
- Coffee, snacks
- 2018-19 Membership Dues (Nov. 1, 2018 to
Oct. 31, 2019). $40 pay to "Doukhobor Society of
Saskatoon" by mail or in person to Treasurer June
Bold. Only members can vote at AGM.
- Year-End Financial Report
- Trustee Elections
- Elder Term Renewals
- Past Year in Review
- Plans for Coming Year
- Future of Bread-Baking We can continue
Bread-Baking Booth as is, but building is
deteriorating; staffing is difficult; rising costs
reduce profits each year. Should we do all
fund-raising only at our dom? Important
- 2018 December 9, Sunday, 11
am Regular meeting
- 2018 December 16, Sunday, 11 am
Christmas meeting + Potluck Lunch
- 2018 December 23 & 30, Sunday
Christmas Break, No meeting
2019 Past Events
Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Program,
for a family in need a single mom with four kids:
three girls (8, 6, 3 yrs) and boy (6 yrs). Bring items
to Sunday Meeting
- 2019 January 6, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
+ Potluck Lunch
- 2019 January 9, Wednesday, 1 pm Singing
- 2019 January 13, 20, 27 Sundays, 11 am
Regular meetings
- 2019 January 16, 23, 30 Wednesdays, 1 pm
Singing Practice
- 2019 January 16, Wednesday, 7 pm General
Meeting : Bread Baking 2019
- 2019 February 3, Sunday, 11 am Regular
- 2019 February 10, Sunday, 11 am
Regular meeting + Potluck
- 2019 February 16, Saturday, 1130 am to 12:30 pm
DCSS Annual General Meeting
- 1 pm DCSS
Theme: "Health, Equality, and Culture",
Tickets $25 + supper,
- Ashleigh Androsoff (Assistant Prof., Dept. of
History, University of Saskatchewan) presenting
"With a Stout Wife," on the history of Doukhobor
women pulling plows
- Music performed by The Grannies
- Shelley Lavertu, presentation
- Vicki Obetkoff (Minister, United Church of
Canada) presenting "The Power of Prayer"
- A Prayer Circle Service for Jonathan Kalmakoff
- A selection of Doukhobor Hymns
- 2019 February 17, 24, Sundays, 11 am
Regular meeting
- 2019 February 6. 13. 20. 27
Wednesdays, 1 pm Singing Practice
- 2019 March 3, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting +
Telemiracle Pancake Brunch
- Fundraiser for Kinsmen Telemiracle #43.
- Tickets: $10/ person at door; kids <6yr free.
- VOLUNTEERS needed in kitchen.
- Honorary Lifetime Memberships presented to members
now over 80 years old.
- 2019 April 7, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting +
Potluck lunch
- 2019 April 14, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 April 21, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 April 27, Saturday, noon to 4 pm
- Provincial singing practice in Watson SK, at the
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 272
(Legion Hall)
- Starting with a potluck lunch
- All singers welcome.
- Co-ordinated by D.C.S.S.
- 2019 May Spring Bake/Garage Sale
- 2019 May 5, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting +
Potluck lunch
- 2019 May 12, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 May 19, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 May 26, Sunday, 11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 June 2 Sunday, 11
am Regular meeting + Potluck lunch
- 2019 June 9 Sunday,
11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 June 16 Sunday,
11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 June 23 Sunday,
11 am Regular meeting
- 2019 June 28 Friday, 7
of "Saskatchewan Doukhobor Living Book Project" and
Western Development Museum, 2610
Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
$5 to $12.
- 2019 June 29
Saturday, 2 pm Premiere
of the documentary film:
"We've Concluded Our Assembly: The Saskatchewan
Broadway Theatre, 715
Broadway Ave, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
$5 to $10
- 2019 June 30 Sunday,
10:30 am Peters Day Service
- 2019 July-August Summer Break
2020 Past Events
2021 Past Events
2022 Past Events