A Personal Message...
On the second year of this new
millennium as we ponder the next thousand years, I reflect especially
on the past fifty, and the last one hundred years.
The hundred years that I reflect on represents the centenary since the Doukhobors fled Russia and first arrived in Canada in 1899, and it makes me proud...of the people, my heritage, but mostly proud to have made the Doukhobors my life's study. |
The Doukhobors will have left an indelible mark on the world; a mark that stands for peace, the brotherhood of mankind, and confirmation of God's commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" - a philosophy to which I have subscribed. This web site was not developed to explain to the world who or what a Doukhobor is. My books (and some by others), numerous written publications and a plethora of other web sites as well as my new book will tell that story. The intent of this site (and its sister "Shockwave" site) was to answer a call from from my many friends, associates, and readers alike who convinced me to 'reach out' to the world of new media; to let others become aware of, or have access to my materials, and be kept abreast of developments of my new book and CD-ROM, Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers' Strategies for Living. I liken this site to a beacon by which to navigate. The buttons will take you to some of my past works, detail my latest project and CD-ROM, show you how to order this exciting new book, update you on current events and activities, make contact with me easier, and link you to other Doukhobor-related sites. I hope all of you enjoy this site and its contents, and thank you for visiting! It is my privilege to present it.
Resume, 2006: HTML,
Word document