Letters from Koozma J. Tarasoff

2007 May 3 — The Editor, The Ottawa Citizen  — "hijack sports for war"

882 Walkley Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 6R5
May 3, 2007

The Editor,
The Ottawa Citizen,
1101 Baxter Road,
Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3M4

Dear Editor:

I understand that Canada's Chief of Defence Staff General Rick Hillier and 19 former National Hockey League stars (with their prestigious Stanley Cup) are going to the war zone in Afghanistan in May to play a game with local soldiers. Its purpose is to provide a moral boast to the troops and normalize the situation. As a Canadian citizen, that decision is troubling to me.

When has it become acceptable to threat war as 'normal'? We have done enough damage to society when the military has hijacked culture with its rhetoric 'the theatre of war'. Is the intent now to hijack sports for war purposes?

Should it not be our goal to teach our children correctly that militarization and the glorification of war are NOT normal; that an alternative to war is the best legacy that we can give to our offspring to ensure a safe and just society? Indeed, it is time for Canadians to stand up and be counted as a people who are willing to take back their role as bridge-builders and peacekeepers. Let's get on with it and save future generations from the scourge of war. 

Koozma J. Tarasoff

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