Plakun Trava
The Doukhobors

CD-ROM Revives Classic Book on the Doukhobors

Plakun Trava: The Doukhobors by Koozma J. Tarasoff has been long out-of-print and is considered to be a classic work on the Doukhobor movement. To make it accessible to the wider public, the author has released a new production of the book in the form of an interactive CD-ROM.

When first published in 1982, it was considered "not merely an update of the author's previous work nor a duplication of any other existent materials; it is a valuable n new addition to the study of the Doukhobors which will be regarded as the definitive reference for years to come."

Download the missing INDEX

The new cross-platform compatible (for Windows and Mac) version on CD has notable enhancements, which makes it an outstanding release for the new communications age. The interactive features include enlarged easy-to-read font, digitally restored photos, panoramic viewing, colour pictures (that in the original book were only seen in black and white) biographic and footnote aids on each page, an Index, and cosmetic edits.



The new cross-platform compatible (for Windows and Mac) version on CD has notable enhancements, which makes it an outstanding release for the new communications age. The interactive features include enlarged easy-to-read font, digitally restored photos, panoramic viewing, colour pictures (that in the original book were only seen in black and white) biographic and footnote aids on each page, an Index, and cosmetic edits.

   A scroll bar allows for movement up and down the page, and buttons allow movement forward, back, and to the Table of Contents. An animated splash at the very beginning introduces the title; a section at the end describes other books by the author and instructions on how they can be purchased.


Colourful photos dress the interactive
Plakun Trava CD ROM

  When one young Saskatchewan scholar heard of the new release, he wrote: "Let me say that I am absolutely thrilled to hear that Plakun Trava will be put on CD ROM. Let me place my order now!!! This will ensure that this classic text will be around to inspire generations to come. I know it certainly inspired myself. Perfect timing, methinks, as a new wave of Doukhobor descendants strive to better understand their heritage."

Another educator wrote: "This definitely is the way to go. The media is current, it is global, and it is inexpensive. And lots of people are asking for copies of Plakun Trava. You are in the right place at the right time."   

One British Columbia author wrote: "It is an historical document worthy of being a Birthday or Christmas gift which grand-parents could give to their grandchildren. Most homes would want one as a quick reference as well as university students...."


Interactive Maps lead viewers to destinations as large, bold typeface makes it easy to read


Scrolling text along with pictures and diagrams (Most of them expandable to view in better detail) makes this interactive CD ROM not only an educational medium, but an enjoyable experience as well.

  When one young Saskatchewan scholar heard of the new release, he wrote: "Let me say that I am absolutely thrilled to hear that Plakun Trava will be put on CD ROM. Let me place my order now!!! This will ensure that this classic text will be around to inspire generations to come. I know it certainly inspired myself. Perfect timing, methinks, as a new wave of Doukhobor descendants strive to better understand their heritage."

A British Columbia filmmaker offered this testimonial: "Mr. Tarasoff is an extremely well respected Doukhobor historian and scholar. His works on Doukhobor culture are widely distributed throughout the world to a general audience and have also served as reference sources for countless other writers and scholars. As a filmmaker who recently completed a documentary on the Doukhobors ("Soul Communion"), I often referred to Mr. Tarasoff's publications for background information and credit him in the film as one of my main content consultants."

The Doukhobors have often been referred to as a"religious sect" or an "ethnic group". The author presents a convincing case that they are perhaps best described as a "social movement".

In depicting their experience, as an ethnographer and historian who is also a Doukhobor, the author succeeds in not only producing a history book, but also in making a significant social statement. Those who encounter Plakun Trava will come away not only with a better appreciation of the Doukhobors, but also with a better understanding of the complex interplay of forces and ideas in the 20th century Canadian society, and even in the international arena.

The CD-ROM is available from Spirit Wrestlers Publishing, 882 Walkley Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 6R5. Price: $26 - shipping and handling included.


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