2b. Saskatchewan

C1444A-01 — Remaining
building in Voskresenovka village [Voskresenie]
south of Kamsack, Saskatchewan.
Also see: Voskreseniye
village, Doukhobor Genealogy Website.
C1444A-05 —Tour
guide Alex Sherstobitoff shows a sketch
of the early complex of the former Christian Communities
of Universal Brotherhood at Veregin,
Saskachewan. May 6, 2006. This
map was designed by Dr. Fred Strukoff.
C1444A-09 — Details of Dr.
Strukoff's location map of the old
communal structures. Also find other regional maps: Doukhobor
Genealogy, Saskatchevan; "Ethnic
Settlements 1850s-1990s" near Regina; and "Group
Settlements". |
C1444A-06 — Koozma J.
Tarasoff takes photo of Alexei Oslopov showing the winding
road of the South Colony.
C1444A-16 — Old
Doukhobor barn in South Colony. |
C1444A-22 — Alex
Sherstabitoff and son Allan on part of their 1800-acre
farm, South Colony, Saskatchewan. Guests Alexei Oslopov
and Koozma J. Tarasoff stand in the middle. Large farm
machinery in the background. |
C1444A-25 — Inspecting
an old cemetery of Vossiyalovka village area [Vossianie],
Also see: Vossianiye
village, Doukhobor Genealogy Website. |
C1444A-26 — The
remaining building of Vossiyalovka village [Vossianie]
12 miles south of Kamsack, Saskatchewan. |
C1444A-27 — Close-up of
guests Koozma J. Tarasoff and Alexei Oslopov in front of
the Vossiyalovka village Dom [Vossianie],
Saskatchewan. |
C1444A-31 — Party at the
home of Keith and Sonia Tarasoff on a farm in the South
Colony area, Saskatchewan. May 5, 2006
C1444A-32 — Another view
of the party at the home of Keith and Sonia Tarasoff on a
farm on the South Colony area, Saskatchewan. |
C1444A-35 — Sobranie
Sunday meeting at the Doukhobor Dom in Veregin,
Saskatchewan. May 7, 2006 |

C1444A-37 — Guests
Koozma J. Tarasoff and Alexei M. Oslopov at The
Doukhobor Heritage Village with the
statue of Lev N. Tolstoy in the background. Also
see: Veregin
village, Doukhobor Genealogy Website. |
C1444A-39 — Group view
in front of the The National Doukhobor
Heritage Village Dom in Veregin,
Saskatchewan following a Sunday service and luncheon, May
7, 2006. Ottawa guest Koozma J. Tarasoff sits on the steps
flanked with two young fellows George and John Shukin. |
C1444A-42 — Doukhobor
elder John Cazakoff (centre) with guests Alexei Oslopov
and Koozma J. Tarasoff in Veregin, Saskatchewan. Also
see: Veregin
village, Doukhobor Genealogy Website. |
C1444A-43 — Alexei
Oslopov and Dr. Fred Strukoff of Kamsack, Sask.
C1444A-44 — A view of a
classic Doukhobor Community Home, The National
Doukhobor Heritage Village, Veregin,
Saskatchewan. |
— Views of heritage buildings on the site
of The National Doukhobor
Heritage Village and Museum, Veregin,
Saskatchewan. |
— Views of heritage buildings
on the site of The National Doukhobor
Heritage Village and Museum, Veregin,
Saskatchewan. 2 photos are joined.
C1444A–48 —
Views of heritage buildings on the site of The National
Doukhobor Heritage Village and
Museum, Veregin, Saskatchewan. |


C1444A–49 —
Views of heritage buildings on the site of The National
Doukhobor Heritage Village and
Museum, Veregin, Saskatchewan. |
— Close-up of Phillip Perepelkin (Museum Curator) and
guest Alexei Oslopov, at the Doukhobor Community Home, The National
Doukhobor Heritage Village, Veregin, Saskatchewan.